
Fiat Panda 2016 Key Programming using OBDSTAR X300DP Plus

New review is received from a Turkish customers who has programmed a new key to Fiat Panda 2016.
Look here:
Run Obdstar x300dp plus fiat v32.30 software

on kodlama
(ten coding

delphi c93c86 (id46)

tip 1
(type 1)

bu unite ile donatilmis araclar:
doblo, grande runto, 500, fiorino, qubo, panda
(Vehicles equipped with this unit:
doblo, grande runto, 500, fiorino, qubo, panda)

the function is available by connecting the server; pls ensure the internet connection is normal

connecting the server

  1. sifre oku
(read password)

kontak anahtarini ac
(ignition switch ac)

pin code: 66735

  1. on kodlu anahtar uret
(2. ten coded key uret)

kontak anahtarini ac
(ignition switch ac)

p001 programplayicisini cihaza baglayin
(Connect the p001 programmer to the device)

yeni anahtan yada cipi p001'e yerlestirin
(insert new key or jeep into p001)

islem basarili
(operation successful

(Exiting ...)

  1. abahtar programla
(with key program)

if you have the original key, pls program the original key first; otherwise the original key (7936) will not be programmed

kontak anahtarini aciniz
(open the ignition key)

lutfen 5 haneli guvenlik dodunu giriniz
(Please enter the 5-digit security code)

girilen deger: 66735
(value entered: 66735)

kontagi kapat
(close contact)

kontak anahtarini aciniz
(open the ignition key)

kontagi kapat
(close contact)

yeni anahtari takin ve kontagi acin
(insert new key and switch on ignition)

daha fazla anahatar programlamak istiyor musunuz?
 (Do you want to program more outline?)

yeni anahtari takin ve kontagi acin
 (insert new key and switch on ignition)

daha fazla anahatar programlamak istiyor musunuz?
(Do you want to program more outline?)

anahtar numarasi: 2
(key number: 2)

programlama tamamlandi
(programming completed)


